Ocular Oncology: Evolution and Careers - Eye Tea - Carol Karp, Prithvi Mruthyunjaya, Basil Williams

Join the Eye Tea Team in a conversation with Drs. Carol Karp, Prithvi Mruthyunjaya, and Basil Williams about ocular oncology, its evolution, careers in the field, and future directions.

Dr. Carol Karp holds the Richard K Forster chair in ophthalmology, as well as Dr. Ronald and Alicia Lepke endowed professorship in corneal and external diseases at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. She's a 2013 recipient of the Women in Ophthalmology mentorship award and the 2015 recipient of the secretary to award from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Dr. Carp is considered a leader in the area of ocular surface oncology. She has been heralded for her pioneering work on the use of interferon for the treatment of the ocular surface squamous neoplasia. She has lectured and taught both, nationally and internationally, on the management of ocular surface tumors. 

Dr. Prithvi Mruthyunjaya is the director of the ocular oncology service and the vitreal retinal surgery service at the Byer's Eye Institute at Stanford University. He completed his clinical-research fellowships in Vitreoretinal surgery followed by an Ocular Oncology fellowship at the Moorfields Eye Hosptial in London, UK. As a fellow, he was recognized with the highest nationwide honors by the Heed, AOS-Knap, and Ronald G Michels foundations. His academic contributions have been recognized b the American Study of Retina Specialists with the Senior honor award. He has recently been listed as one of the world's 50 most innovative retina specialists. Dr. Mruthyunhaya is actively involved in advancing diagnostic approaches to ocular tumors through imaging, genetics, and new modalities for tumor biopsies.

Dr. Basil Williams is the Mary night Ashbury endowed chair and director of the ocular oncology service of the University of Cincinnati College of medicine. He's also the director of the retinoblastoma program at Cincinnati children's hospital. And as part of the vitreoretinal service at Cincinnati Eye, he has co-authored several publications and is a prolific researcher.


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